Moving to Norrbotten
Norrbotten is Sweden's largest county. There are many exciting jobs, nice people, fantastic nature experiences and, above all, there is room for you and your family.
To make your move to one of Norrbotten's 14 municipalities as smooth and as possible, a good first step is to contact the municipalities' moving in service, which is currently available in nine municipalities.
They can also help you by conveying information where and how you can live, which schools are available, popular excursion destinations and answer all your other questions about your new place of residence.
Welcome to Norrbotten!
Municipalities with relocation guides and information for new residents
Arjeplog: Flytta hit
Kontakter Move Up North | REGION 10
Arvidsjaur: Welcome to Arvidsjaur
Kontakter Move Up North | REGION 10
Boden: Move to Boden
Gällivare: Inflyttningsservice
Haparanda: Att bo i Haparanda
Haparanda — Hej Hemby
Jokkmokk: Leva och bo
Kalix: Flytta till Kalix
Kiruna: In English
Kiruna — Hej Hemby
Luleå: Move to Luleå
Pajala: Inflyttningsguide
Pajala — Hej Hemby
Piteå: Move to Piteå
Älvsbyn: Inflyttningslots
Övertorneå: Move here
Övertorneå — Hej Hemby
Överkalix: Flytta till Överkalix