English - engelska
Welcome to Region Norrbotten and our website www.norrbotten.se. On the following pages you can read about general patient information, covid-19. You will find information on how Region Norrbotten i governed and also how you can become our future co-worker.
The material in English is just a small selection of the information that is available on the full website.
Dial 1177 for advice on health care
You can call 1177, 24 hours a day for advice about health care. You can also call if you are unsure of where in the health care system you should go.
At 1177.se, you can also find contact information for care centres, and see which ones are open at evenings and weekends.
Advice on health care (1177.se)
How to seek health care
If you fall ill, injure yourself, or need advice concerning your health, your first port of call should be your care centre.
Find care centre ( In Swedish)
The care centres are staffed by professionals with a broad competence, who take care of the most common ailments, chronic diseases, many of the diseases that affect children and the elderly, mental ill health and various injuries.
Here, you will get an initial assessment of your complaints. Should you need further care, you will be referred to a physician who is a specialist in his/her field, for example a dermatologist, orthopaedist, or psychiatrist.
Care centers i Region Norrbotten (information in Swedish)
Dial 112 if you need emergency care
If you fall acutely ill, or are seriously injured, dial 112, or go to the nearest Accident and Emergency ward.
International patients seeking non acute health care in Norrbotten
It is possible to seek medical investigations, treatments and/or surgery in Norrbotten. Medical treatment is always combined with a cost and varies depending on where in the world you live.
Rules and right (Information in Swedish)
As a patient, you are to receive good care of a high quality, and you are to be treated with respect by care staff. You are to be given clear information about your health and care. You are also to be given the option of choosing the care you need. Please ask if there is anything you’re wondering about your rights, or the treatment you receive. Here are some things that may be good to know ahead of your appointment.
If you need an interpreter, please tell care staff well ahead of your appointment. Tell them which language it concerns. You can also get a speech-to-text interpreter, or a sign language interpreter if you need it.
Please bring a valid photo identity document to your appointment. If you are an asylum-seeker, please bring your LMA card. If a friend, family member or person accompanying you needs to confirm your identity, they must also bring a photo identity document.
You can get a reminder of your appointment via text message on your phone. Please provide your mobile phone number when in contact with health care providers.
You can check in and pay for your appointment using your mobile phone. You can also check in for appointments that are free of charge. Follow the text message link that is sent ahead of your appointment. If you don’t receive a text message, you can check in through an internet browser via: incheck.norrbotten.se
You can be given a travel grant for travelling by bus, train, or in your own car between your registered address and the hospital or health centre in your municipality. If there are medical reasons, or if there is no public transport whatsoever, you may travel by taxi. The trip is to be booked no later than two days before the appointment by calling the ordering centre on 020 96 00 96.
Everyone in health care has a duty to maintain confidentiality. We are not allowed to provide details about you to people other than those caring for you.
We document information about your care in your medical records. Only staff who participate in your care, or who need the information for their work in care, are allowed to read the medical records. There may also be details about you in systems required for care administration.
Most samples that are taken in health care are thrown away once the sample has been analysed. The main reason why some samples are kept is to ensure that your care and treatment are safer. You are to be given information about how the sample may be used if it is kept. You decide whether the sample may be kept.
You are to be informed if your details are sent to a national quality register. You are also to be given information about the register itself. You have a right to decline your details being sent, and you have a right to have your information removed from the register, if information has been sent previously.
You can provide views or complain if you have experienced something in health care that you aren’t happy with. You can do this as a patient or as a friend or family member. Your views can contribute to making health care better and safer.
On the 1177.se website, you can read more about health and diseases, and where you can find health care. You can also log in and contact your health clinic, renew prescriptions, read your medical records, and manage other health care issues. There is more to read about your rights, and how to provide your views on health care. Important information is also available translated to languages other than Swedish.
1177.se in English
you can also call 1177 for health care advice 24 hours a day. In life-threatening emergencies, always call 112.
You can find information about coronavirus and covid-19 in English on the 1177.se website or on The Public Health Agency of Sweden's website.
Region Norrbotten is a self-governing administrative region, funded by taxes, which is governed by a Regional Council of 71 members and 71 substitutes who are directly elected by the inhabitants of Norrbotten.
The Regional Council makes decisions regarding budget and direction for Region Norrbotten’s various operations. Most decisions are based on suggestions made by the Regional Executive Committee.
The Regional Council makes decisions concerning everything from health care and public transport to regional development and culture. The Regional Council also makes decisions concerning the budget, and how much tax the inhabitants of Norrbotten are to pay to co-finance the various operations.
The Regional Council - in Swedish
The Regional Council appoints the Regional Executive Committee
The Regional Council appoints the Regional Executive Committee, which puts forward many of the proposals decided upon by the Regional Council. In total, the Regional Executive Committee has 15 committee members.
Below the Regional Council and the Regional Executive Committee are committees, subcommittees and preparatory subcommittees with different areas of responsibility.
The Regional Council directs the committees through the budget, by stating goals, and putting up a framework and guidelines in it for how their different operations are to be run.
Region Norrbotten provides healthcare and dental care, as well as supporting research and education. We contribute to the development of the county and work with culture, public transportation and within various regional cooperations. The county has five hospitals situated in Luleå/Sunderbyn, Kalix, Piteå, Gällivare and Kiruna, over 20 healthcare centres and dental clinics.
Norrbotten is experiencing a strong development, both economically and culturally. Here you will find powerful, warm people, consideration and social services, towns and wilderness. Norrbotten offers excellent opportunities for a good balance between work and everyday life.
Contact us
We are always eager to get in contact with our future co-workers. If you are curious about working in Norrbotten send an email to our recruiters at hr_rekrytering@norrbotten.se
Work in dental care
We are always interested in tomorrow's co-workers. Maybe you are one of them?
If you are a student, there are many ways of getting to know us and our services: study visits and summer jobs, or maybe through one of our employees – there are many options.
We offer opportunities for traineeship to anyone who may be interested in a career in dental care.
Educated Abroad
If you have an education from a country other than Sweden, you are most welcome to apply for a job here with us at Region Norrbotten.
Moving to Norrbotten
Norrbotten is Sweden's largest county. There are many exciting jobs, nice people, fantastic nature experiences and, above all, there is room for you and your family.
Read about two of our co-workers and their stories
As a nurse you are important in the development of care where the patient is the main focus. For us it means that we want to make health care better. Every day. In large and in small. In every meeting.
Aristea Bergström was born in Volos, Greece and has lived most of her life in Sweden. For the past 25 years she has worked as a surgical nurse. "Providing advanced care and keeping patients under complete observation suits me perfectly" she says.
At the Surgical Clinic of Sunderby Hospital in northern Sweden, the staff work in teams which usually consist of three people - a surgical nurse, an anaesthetics nurse and an orderly. The team works together all day along, with one or several surgeons. "It's important that the surgical nurse is a team-player. We're dependent on each other".
Being a surgical nurse
As a surgical nurse she takes care of the patient before as well as during the operation. She makes sure that the patient is informed about the surgical procedure in advance, she cleans and clothes the patient in the required manner and ensures that all the necessary instruments are in the right place. The surgeon and Aristea then carry out the operation together, where she is responsible for sterility, the instruments and apparatus, and to dress wounds. After the operation she pass along the patient to the recovery room, making sure that the surgeon's orders go with them. "Concentrating on one patient at a time is one of the best things about my job", she says.
There are constant new developments in the field of surgery. Staff have to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in equipment and methods, therefore training and education are very important.
Sunderby hospital was built in 1999. As early as the planning and construction stage, the staff had a say in the design and layout of the hospital. "One feature I like are the large windows in the operating rooms. It's nice to see daylight and the landscape outside even while we're operating".
Normal working hours are 07.00-16.00. During this time, both planned and emergency operations are carried out. Outside normal working hours, only emergency surgery is performed.
In the spare time
Aristea Bergström now lives in Boden, about twenty minutes by car from the hospital. She has two children and is very happy with both the child day-care and the Swedish school system. After school and working hours there are plenty of organisations, clubs and societies to join. One of Aristea's children plays football while the other one does individual sports. "Whatever you want to do, there's a club or society for it. In Sweden nobody needs to sit at home alone. It's easy to become part of the community".
There are also plenty of wide-open spaces and wilderness in northern Sweden. You can go hiking on the inland mountains in both winter and summer. The coast is a splendid area for sea-bathing and in winter the water is covered by a thick layer of ice. "In winter, lots of people go out onto the sea ice just to take a walk or have a picnic. It's incredibly beautiful", says Aristea.
Good working conditions and the opportunity to develop both as a specialist physician and as a person. This is how Greco-Swedish Ioannis Gkekas sums up his life in northern Sweden.
We already have several foreign doctors who by themselves or with their families have taken the step of moving to Norrbotten to work with us. We need new additions to our staff and are looking for doctors for several of the medical centres in our county.
A doctor moving here from another country will most likely experience a quieter work environment. We can offer you a stimulating and challenging job where you work together with other doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals.
Good working conditions and the opportunity to develop both as a specialist physician and as a person. This is how Greco-Swedish Ioannis Gkekas sums up his life in northern Sweden.
Ioannis welcomes new colleagues from his home country. "If you're young, ambitious and bold enough to take a chance, then I think that you should try working here", he says.
Swedish labour laws are very favourable and Ioannis Gkekas sees many differences between working in Sweden and Greece. "Here in Sweden I work hard but I'm well compensated including compensatory time off work". He considers that Swedish health care has a professional attitude which suits him.
The relationship between the staff and the patients is special and he thinks this leads to a different atmosphere at the hospital. "When my parents came here to visit me, they were surprised by how quiet it was here. If they went into a similar hospital ward in Greece, they would hear patients shouting and staff calling out to each other. Here everybody works calmly and efficiently instead".
A friendly community
Thanks to language tuition and having to speak so much Swedish at work, he learnt the language quickly. Becoming part of the community was also no problem. Ioannis had earlier worked in a number of hospitals in Sweden and then returned to Greece. When he found out that Norrbotten County Council were looking for doctors with his specialisation he decided to move to Sweden again.
He has now worked as a specialist physician at the Surgical Clinic since 2013 and believes that his future will be in Sweden. "When I came here for the first time, it was mostly because I wanted an adventure. I soon realised that in Sweden I can achieve personal and professional development in a different way to what is possible in Greece", says Ioannis Gkekas.